Tuesday, November 27, 2007

On the other hand:

My manager, Lynn, came up to me with a sheepish look on her face, kinda nervous, and said she had to ask me something.

Me: Sure. What’s up?

Lynn: But I’m not sure if I should ask you and you can totally say no, because I feel lame asking you.

Me: (Build the suspense, why don’t you) Lynn, it’s ok. Just ask.

Lynn: I have to burn a CD.

Me: Oh. (Uh oh)

Lynn: And I realized maybe I shouldn’t ask you to come with me.

Me: Oh. (Cheeks burning)

Lynn: But I don’t know how to burn the CD.

Me: Oh.

Lynn: So I feel really lame.

Me: It’s ok. I’ll go with you, but I won’t go by myself.

The CD burner is right next to Doug’s desk. Luckily, he wasn’t there. Lynn grabbed a couple of Twizzlers from his desk and tossed me one. It landed by my foot. I picked it up, realized what it was, and almost dropped it again, thinking, Are you crazy? I’m not going to be seen with a Twizzler from his desk! What if he returns? So I hid it in my boot. (Yup). But then, Lynn realized she didn’t have the files she needed to burn in the right folder, so she had to go back to her desk. I managed to sit there, looking around, panicking, biting my nails, hoping he wouldn’t come back before Lynn did.

He didn’t.

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