Sunday, October 21, 2007

IQ: 136

So I was on the internet the other day (as I am now...) on one of those internet networking/community/social circle things (not as I am, now) and I was checking out this guy's profile. Half way down, in his "About Me" section, was a mensa question that had me stumped:

Bill and Ben have a combined age of 91 years. Bill is now twice as old as Ben was when Bill was as old as Ben is now. How old are Bill and Ben?

I lost sleep over it that night, and spent at least 2 hours at work, the next day, trying to solve it. I got home later that day, though, and figured it out. But since then, I've been looking to torture my brain some more and today I took two IQ tests. Turns out, I'm somewhere between "Highly Gifted" and "Genius".

I know. Who'da thunk?

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