Sunday, October 14, 2007

Brrrrr (*shiver*)

Boston is also cold, as ever. And it's not even winter, yet.

Last night, in fact, over the last few nights, I have been shivering in my bed. And I had a heater on! I dread the idea of stepping out of the house in the evening. Especially, if I have to take the train. If I drive, it's not so bad (though it's pretty awful for everyone else on the road), but then again, if I'm going to have a drink, there is no way I'm getting behind the wheel. I'm too paranoid about driving since the fiasco last year (Oh, I didn't write about that? It's probably a good thing) as it is.

How will I ever survive here after 4+ years in San Francisco?

It has, however, been wonderful to see everyone. Parents, sister, friends, cousins, the entire eeexxxttteended family. And Eid was fun, even though I had to wake up at 6 in the morning on a Saturday and head to mosque- something I haven't done since I left Boston.

Tomorrow I get to leave the semi-bitter cold, in exchange for the year-round mild cold of SF. But first, I'm headed to New York to see Hina, my other sister, thanks to whose miles I made it to the east coast for Eid :O)

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