Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Photographic Memory

I recently came to a funny realization. I have now owned 5 cameras in my life, and only one of them I bought myself.

Camera 1: My dad bought me my very first camera (in Saudi Arabia), a point-and-shoot (Canon?) back in 6th or 7th grade after he and I got into an argument over something. I was misbehaving, I think, talking back to my mother or something.

Camera 2: My dad also bought me my second camera (in Boston), a Ricoh SLR, back in Sophomore year of college. This was after we got into a fight because he wanted me to change my major from Psychology to something in computers.

Camera 3: This was the one and only camera I bought for myself (my first week in San Francisco), a Nikon CoolPix digital camera. This was right around the time I was started to do a lot of things myself, like buying a laptop without discussing with my dad (the computer expert) and moving to San Francisco for grad school (when my parents were hell bent against it- I just kind of announced it to them one day that I was moving).

Camera 4: Chris bought me a red Canon Elph 14.1 megapixel digital camera for our first official Christmas together. Three months later, in Guatemala, I lost the cable that connected my camera to my laptop, to download the pictures (which isn't such a big deal, because I can still upload pictures; it's just a little more complicated).

Camera 5: A few weeks ago, Chris bought me a Nikon D90 digital SLR. I was planning to buy one in a couple of months, before our honeymoon in Africa, this December. Instead, he decided to surprise me and texted me at work one day to say he’d transferred $x,000 to our account and I should go get myself a nice digital SLR. It is now my favorite possession in the whole wide world!!!!!!! Yippee!!! (Makes me wanna forget all 'bout writing and become a poor, starving, full-time photographer!)

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