Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Different District

I have these bouts where I actually have girlfriends. Most of the times, though, it’s guys, the same old guys, the loyal, crazy, funny, lovely, horrible, my favorite- the boys. Somehow, ever since high school, I’ve just had guy friends. But anyway, that’s a whole different story (and district, perhaps) and a whole other pain for my poor boyfriend. He’s awesome though. And so patient about all my ex-boyfriends-turned-good/best-friends. We are currently in the process of finding me some girlfriends. (If you know of any….)

Anyway. So during my last round of escapades with "girlfriends" I had gone to District a few times. One of my favorite SF wine bars. Oh, I had flirted, lifted skirts, pouted my strawberry lips, tilted my glass of wine until I almost spilled (almost, but not quite)- you know, the usual. Anyway. I had ended up making out with a guy. Chris and I had just started seeing each other but we were so far from being in a relationship then that the thought was actually funny. I gave him my number, hoping he wouldn’t call, and he was kind enough to acquiesce to the request I never made.

This past Tuesday evening, back at another company-sponsored baseball game night (what’s up with that, anyway?), Chris and I were running behind schedule, as usual- well, rather, we were too busy with ourselves to be bothered with anyone else’s schedule. We stopped into the Irish Bank for a drink before heading to Pete’s Tavern where everyone had already left for the game, by the time we got there. I was having a glass of wine when a guy tried to pass by behind Chris, smiling and waving at me goofily. He looked familiar.

He was still watching me as he went down the aisle. I called out, "You look familiar, but I can’t place you!" He tried to mouth something, pointed somewhere in the air that seemed more like a point in the direction of a time rather than a place and suddenly-

"Oh my god!" I covered my mouth.

"What?" Chris asked.

"Oh, god!"


Yes. It was the guy I had made out with at District.

And yes, I told Chris.

But it would have been fun to tell some girlfriends, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And that's why I'll never go back to that rug shop......