Saturday, August 25, 2007

Plenty of Nuthin'

a bunch of stuff happening that i need to tell you about..
but i need to wait for the smoke to clear.

On another note my good friend lele is moving back to california
and i'm very sad about it.
however i think you should take him to besop beobop as my loss is
your gain.
l8r fel8r.

what's goin' down yo?
I hope everything's cool.
I emailed lele. he hasnt written back yet.

plenny my friend.
all very entertaining.

tell me the plenny
i will give you a penny
my heart is paining
and you find it entertaining
i'm insaning
what are you gaining?
the words are menny
let one or two be raining
i'm insaning
boy, i'm insaning

dude i have to talk to you.
maybe i'll call


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What could it all mean?

Poette said...

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Anonymous said...

I think so, Brain. But me and Pippi Longstocking, what would the children look like?